Codex Aubin 

The Codex Aubin Project is centered on manuscript book that is an important history of the Aztec peoples. In pictures and texts, the book tells of the migration out of Aztlan, the foundation of their capital of Tenochtitlan, the Spanish conquest of 1519-21, and the aftermath. Written in the Aztec language of Nahuatl, it has never been fully translated into English before, nor have its glyphs and images been fully explored.  The project, hosted at Fordham University, has three components.
Exhibition: Mexican History in the Codices 
A study of the relationship of the Codex Aubin to the larger tradition of pictographic manuscripts from Mexico. It is currently being curated by Wallis Monday FCRH ’16 using Omeka's exhibition builder. 
FromThePage: Transcription and Translation
A collaborative transcription of the Nahuatl text and translation into English, which is currently underway. The transcription and translation project uses FromThePage, a collaborative software developed by Ben Brumfield. Nahuatl scholars, Cristobal Trujillo (Yale) and Gordon Whittaker (Georg-August Universitaet Goettingen), are currently at work on the text.
Neatline: Mapping the Codex Aubin 
A digital exploration of the images found in the Codex Aubin. The project uses the Neatline plugin of Omeka, to explore the meaning of the pictographic language, and its relation to coeval alphabetic texts, and is currently being developed by Katherina Fostano (Fordham), Nicole T. Hughes (Columbia) and Barbara E. Mundy (Fordham).